UK / FCO condemns continued violence in South Sudan

LONDON, United-Kingdom, April 22, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — FCO Minister for Africa Mark Simmonds condemns killings in Bentiu and Bor, South Sudan

Mr Simmonds said:

“I condemn in the strongest possible terms the killings last week in Bentiu in South Sudan. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has confirmed that large numbers of civilians were murdered when opposition forces took control of the town in what appear to have been ethnically motivated killings. I also unreservedly condemn the attack on the UNMISS base in Bor last week which resulted in large numbers of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) being killed and injured, again in an attack that looks to have been ethnically motivated.

“When I was in South Sudan last week, including visiting the Tom Ping IDP camp in Juba, reports of these attacks were just beginning to emerge. I called on all parties to the conflict to cease hostilities immediately and end the cycle of violence. I reiterate that call now. The deliberate killing of civilians and IDPs is a clear violation of international law and these crimes will be investigated and those responsible held to account. All Inflammatory media statements by those in positions of influence in South Sudan must also cease. Not only those individuals perpetrating these atrocities, but those inciting them, will be held accountable.”

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