Statement by Mr Toby Lanzer, Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan / Devastating cycle of violence and revenge in South Sudan must end

JUBA, South Sudan, April 17, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — “I am deeply saddened and frustrated by the violence that has ravaged Bentiu and Bor in the past 72 hours. There is no excuse for direct attacks on civilians, or on those risking their own lives to protect them.

These events show, yet again, the pointlessness of the violence engulfing South Sudan. The current cycle of revenge will get the people of this country nowhere. It wrecks the present, and casts a dark shadow over what should have been a very bright future.

I call on the parties to the conflict to immediately cease hostilities and resume meaningful negotiations to find a political solution to their differences. And I call on the wisdom and compassion of all South Sudanese, from all the diverse communities that make up this country, to do whatever they can to put an end to the fighting, before more innocent men, women and children are lost.”

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