AU PSC, at its 429th meeting, held on 16 April 2014, was briefed on the upcoming elections in Egypt

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, April 17, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Peace and Security Council of the African Union (AU), at its 429th meeting, held on 16 April 2014, was briefed on the upcoming elections in Egypt by the Department of the Political Affairs of the AU Commission.

Council took note of the briefing. Council recalled all its legal instruments on unconstitutional changes of government, as well as its communiqué PSC/AHG/COMM.3(CDXVI) on the situation in Egypt, adopted at its 416th meeting held on 29 January 2014, and agreed to review the overall situation in Egypt following the presentation of the report to be submitted by the AU High-Level Panel for Egypt.

Council further encouraged the Department of Political Affairs to continue its engagement in support of democratization efforts in Africa.

Council agreed to remain seized of the matter.

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