Minister Paradis announces increased humanitarian assistance, and food security and livelihood support to South Sudan / Canada actively involved in supporting the crisis-afflicted people of South Suda

OTTAWA, Canada, April 1, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Today, Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, announced additional support to the people of South Sudan in response to the escalation of violence in several regions of the country since December 2013.

The security situation in South Sudan remains deeply concerning, with reports of continued fighting, attacks on civilians and ethnic violence. Those affected by the crisis are in dire need of protection, food, health care, shelter, water, sanitation and hygiene services.

“Canada continues to respond to the increasing needs in South Sudan,” said Minister Paradis. “People who have been forced to flee their homes urgently need support. Canada’s assistance will enable experienced humanitarian partners to deliver essential, lifesaving services on the ground, including increasing food production to stave off famine. Canada is particularly troubled by the impact of this crisis on women and children, and we are responding with specific protection measures for displaced people who have suffered from sexual and gender-based violence.”

To address the needs of the displaced and in response to appeals from the United Nations, the International Red Cross Movement and Canadian non-governmental organizations, Canada is providing $24.85 million to experienced humanitarian partners already operating on the ground. In addition to emergency assistance, Canada is providing $51.5 million to help the people of South Sudan address longer-term food security and livelihoods needs, which will help to avert potential famine this year and reduce pressure on emergency food assistance requirements.

Canada calls on all parties to the conflict to provide immediate unhindered humanitarian access and allow for the safe delivery of emergency relief to those in need. We will continue to closely monitor the evolving situation.

Quick Facts

• The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimates that since December 2013, the conflict has forced more than 925,000 people from their homes, including more than 700,000 within South Sudan.

• More than 250,000 South Sudanese have sought protection in neighbouring countries: Kenya, Uganda, Sudan and Ethiopia.

• To date in 2014, Canada has committed more than $24.8 million in humanitarian assistance to South Sudan through United Nations humanitarian partners, the International Red Cross Movement, and Canadian non-governmental organizations.

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