Mary Robinson visits the DRC

GENEVA, Switzerland, March 2, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Mary Robinson, Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region will visit the DRC from 2 to 3 March to participate in an important event — the Forum Mondial des Femmes Francophones.

Bringing together high-level women from Governmental and non-Governmental organizations of the Francophonie, the Forum will focus on three themes — Women and Peace; Women and Power; and Women and Education.

Mrs. Robinson will deliver a key note address at the Plenary Session and will moderate the Working Group on Women and Peace.

Mrs. Robinson will also meet with key Implementing partners and Gender Ministers on the Women’s Platform for the Peace Security and Cooperation Framework.

Together they will take steps to operationalize the Women’s Platform, including by determining actions and a timetable for its implementation, as well as a strategy for mobilizing resources.

Through this Platform, Ministers from the region and Mary Robinson hope to enable women’s organizations and stimulate women’s collective action to support implementation of the Peace Security and Cooperation Framework.

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