BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, February 10, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Council today established an EU military operation to contribute to a secure
environment in the Central African Republic, as authorised by the UN Security Council in
resolution 2134 (2014). Today’s decision creates the legal basis for the operation entitled
EUFOR RCA and is another step towards its rapid deployment.
EUFOR RCA is to provide temporary support in achieving a safe and secure environment
in the Bangui area, with a view to handing over to African partners. The force will thereby
contribute to international efforts to protect the populations most at risk, creating the
conditions for providing humanitarian aid.
The EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of
the European Commission, Catherine Ashton, said: “We have reacted swiftly to the serious
crisis in the Central African Republic. We are using all the tools at our disposal, from
humanitarian assistance to political support for the transition, to our long-term
development cooperation. But the absolute priority is to protect the civilian population
from any further violence, to ensure that the people of the Central African Republic can
live without fear and start rebuilding their country, and to make sure that humanitarian
aid can be provided. EUFOR RCA will deploy as soon as possible to back the remarkable
efforts of France and our African partners.”
The Council also appointed Major-General Philippe Pontiès from France as EU Operation
Commander. Besides, it estimated the common costs of the operation at € 25.9 million for
a period of up to nine months comprising a three months preparatory phase and a mandate
of up to six months starting from the point of reaching full operational capability.
The operation headquarters will be in Larissa, Greece, while the force headquarters and the
troops will be located in Bangui, Central African Republic.
Preparations for the deployment are currently under way, following accelerated
procedures. The launch of operations will require a separate legal act.
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