Minister Paradis Concludes a Constructive Visit to South Africa / Paradis confirmed Canada’s support for African countries as they look to manage their natural resources more responsibly and transpare

OTTAWA, Canada, February 4, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On February 3, 2014, Minister Paradis delivers opening remarks at a breakfast discussion forum in CapeTown, South Africa: “Investing in Mining in Africa – Transformation, Challenges and Opportunities”.

The Honourable Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development and Minister for La Francophonie, today concluded a successful visit to South Africa. During his trip, Minister Paradis announced Canada’s support for a number of new projects that will help Mozambique and Tanzania better manage their natural resources to ensure they are the source of long-term sustainable benefits to their people.

“Sustainable, private-sector-led economic growth and poverty reduction are two sides of the same coin. That is why Canada is supporting African governments as they look to manage their extractive sector more transparently and responsibly,” said Minister Paradis. “We are ensuring communities draw the greatest benefit from the development of their natural resources to create prosperity and growth across the African continent.”

In South Africa, Minister Paradis met with African ministers, Canadian mining industry representatives, and South African government officials. He also took part in an event where the African Minerals Development Centre (AMDC) and the Canadian International Institute for Extractive Industries and Development (CIIEID) discussed ways of achieving effective cooperation.

In addition, Minister Paradis delivered opening remarks at a Canadian-hosted breakfast discussion forum entitled “Investing in Mining in Africa: Transformation, Challenges and Opportunities”. Minister Paradis also attended a session that looked at strategies to fast-track the implementation of the African Union’s Africa Mining Vision. In his remarks, he spoke to the importance of engaging the private sector in efforts to broaden the benefits derived from the extractive sector.

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