Ilaria Alpi, Italian journalist killed in Somalia, panorama of informations on the web

The 24th of May 1961 Ilaria Alpi was born. She was an Italian journalist. She has been killed the 20th of March 1994 in Mogadishu, Somalia, with her TV operator Miran Hrovatin.

Here you will find informations gathered around the Italian web about her and her TV operator.

Apart from Sonouningenuo (I am naif)  blog  (which you can read here if you know any Italian), there are few medias reporting the anniversary of Ilaria Alpi’s birth last 24th of May.

There’s an interesting article on the website (web branch of “Il giornale” daily newspaper). It explains the history of the relationships between Italy and its former colony Somalia. It all began, explains, in 1892, with the occupation of southern Somalia. During World War II, Italian East Africa was a battlefield with the British. Nonetheless up until 1960s, Italy has its own protectorate.

Italian armies come back into Somalia in 1992 with a “disastrous” UN peace campaign. Three Italian soldiers, Andrea Millevoi, Stefano Paolicchi and Pasquale Baccaro, died fighting at checkpoint “Pasta” in Mogadishu.


20 March 1994 is the day the Italians are embarked back home in Italy. But after soldiers, now is the time of journalists.

In Mogadishu Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin are killed, while working for Italian state Tv Rai.

“In Somalia remains only brave volunteers”, wrote the last 21 May.

The major news on the subject dates back 15 of May for the reopening of the court investigation:,, Yahoo!Italia notizie, Alice news


Photo by Ramella on Flickr

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