UNAMID to send assessment mission, calls for end to deadly tribal fighting in Jebel Amer

EL FASHER (DARFUR), Sudan, January 11, 2013/African Press Organization (APO)/ — UNAMID is alarmed by deadly fighting between Beni Hussein and Abbala tribes in Jebel Amer area near Kabkabiya, North Darfur. While providing full assistance and preparing to send a team to assess the situation on the ground, the Mission also urges the Sudanese Government, North Darfur authorities and leaders from both tribes to end fighting and give dialogue a chance.

The fighting has reportedly erupted on 5 January, and resulted in a number of casualties, looting, burning of nearby villages, and the displacement of thousands of civilians forced to flee towards Kabkabiya, Saraf Omra, and Al Sereif towns.

On 7 January, immediately following initial reports of fighting, UNAMID Acting Joint Special Representative Aichatou Mindaoudou held talks on the incident with the Wali of North Darfur, Mr. Othman Kibir. She offered UNAMID’s assistance with facilitating humanitarian assistance and supporting mediation and reconciliation efforts.

So far, the Mission has mobilized three medical evacuation flights along with three medical teams, and evacuated 26 casualties from Al Serief and Kabkabiya towns to El Fasher city. Three wounded persons received further medical treatment at UNAMID hospital in Kabkabiya before they were evacuated to El Fasher.

UNAMID has also mobilized four other special flights in support of the ongoing mediation efforts undertaken by a delegation led by Wali Kibir.

As part of its immediate response, UNAMID had also dispatched a verification patrol from Saraf Omra to Jebel Amer on 7 January. The patrol was stopped by Beni Hussein tribesman at Umurharwa area, alleging that an imminent attack was to be launched by the Abbala tribe. This allegation remains unconfirmed.

In order to assess the needs of the displaced persons and affected population and to provide required assistance including mediation and reconciliation efforts, UNAMID reiterates the need for the Mission and the humanitarian community to be granted unimpeded access to all areas of recent fighting.

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