NEW YORK, December 3, 2012/African Press Organization (APO)/ — On 30 November 2012, the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo added the following two individuals to the List of Individuals and Entities Subject to the Measures Imposed by paragraphs 13 and 15 of resolution 1596 (2005).

– Baudoin NGARUYE

Name (last/first): NGARUYE WA MYAMURO, Baudoin Alias: Colonel Baudoin NGARUYE. Date of Birth (DOB): 1978. Place of Birth (POB): Lusamambo, Lubero territory, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Identifying information: Title: military leader of the Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23) FARDC ID : 1-78-09-44621-80

Designations/Justifications: In April 2012, Ngaruye commanded the ex-CNDP mutiny, known as the Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23), under the orders of General Ntaganda. He is currently the third highest ranking military commander within the M23. The Group of experts on the DRC previously recommended him for designation in 2008 and 2009. He is responsible for and has committed severe violations of human rights and international law. He recruited and trained hundreds of children between 2008 and 2009 and then towards the end of 2010 for the M23. He has committed killing, maiming and abductions, often targeting women. He is responsible for executions and torture of deserters within the M23. In 2009 within the FARDC, he gave the orders to kill all men in Shalio village of Walikale. He also provided weapons, munitions and salaries in Masisi and Walikale under the direct orders from Ntaganda. In 2010 he orchestrated the forced displacement and expropriation of populations in the area of Lukopfu. He has also been extensively involved in criminal networks within the FARDC deriving profits from the mineral trade which led to tensions and violence with Colonel Innocent Zimurinda in 2011.

– Innocent KAINA

Name (last/first): KAINA, Innocent Alias: Colonel Innocent KAINA Alias: “ India Queen”. Place of Birth (POB): Bunagana, Rutshuru territory, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Designation/ Justification: Innocent Kaina is currently a Sector commander in the Mouvement du 23 Mars (M23). He is responsible for and has committed serious violations of international law and human rights. In July 2007 the Garrison Military Tribunal of Kinshasa found Kaina responsible for crime against humanity committed in the District of Ituri, between May 2003 and December 2005. He was released in 2009 as part of the peace agreement between the Congolese government and the CNDP. Within the FARDC in 2009, he has been guilty of executions, abductions and maiming in Masisi territory. As Commander under the orders of General Ntaganda, he initiated the ex-CNDP mutiny in Rutshuru territory in April 2012. He ensured the security of the mutineers out of Masisi. Between May and August 2012, he oversaw the recruitment and training of over 150 children for the M23 rebellion, shooting the boys who had tried to escape. In July 2012 he travelled to Berunda and Degho for mobilization and recruitment activities for the M23.

The Committee will continue to update the List on a regular basis. The updated List (dated 30 November 2012) will be available at the following link:

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