"Aid is bad for Africa" – Luttwak


“97% of aid programs failed in Africa”, Edward Luttwak, senior associate of Center for strategic studies in Washington said during the forum on the development of Africa, held in Taormina, Italy, last 2nd and 3rd of October.

“First of all – Luttwak said – I want to talk about the primary ignorance phenomenon. We have 78 projects that destroyed entire economies and the life of people and families because of primary ignorance”.

The expert of strategic studies continued explaining that many businesses are not willing to invest in their own country’s poorest areas, often because of prejudices, while they are willing to invest in Africa where they know little more than nothing. According to Luttwak, this was a very bad thing for Africa.

“Businessmen in the north – Luttwak said – are not willing to invest in the south of their own country but they are willing to invest in Africa even if they know nothing about it”.

“The worst thing colonial powers have done in Africa – he added – has been the creation of the State. When they left Africa, they also left customs at the borders of the state. Customs often don’t give the money to the state but keep it for themselves or they do not let pass anyone or anything”.

Another point added by Luttwak was the one of development and capitalism. “In Africa – he said – develoment is the same as everywhere else: primary accumulation of capital is needed, which is what the new individualistic Africans are doing”. According to Luttwak, in Africa a radical social change is happening. Africans spend less for the family, which in many cases is very large, in order to save money.

Interviewed by Africanews.it he said: “Aid is for Africa, trade is good”.

“Aid is bad, trade is good for Africa”, Luttwak

Photo by: Michele Naccari of Studio Camera

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