4th EU – Africa Summit 2-3 April 2014, Brussels Third media advisory

BRUSSELS, Kingdom of Belgium, March 29, 2014/African Press Organization (APO)/ — 1. INDICATIVE MEDIA PROGRAMME

Wednesday 2 April 2014

12.30 – 14.00 Arrival of Heads of delegations at the Justus Lipsius building

(not in protocol order)

(2 VIP entrances: level 02 + Rue de la Loi 175 main entrance

– photo/TV opportunity)

14.30 – 15.00 Opening session – roundtable before the meeting

(host broadcaster + photo/TV – Group A*)

15.00 – 18.30 Working sessions

18.30 Family photo

(host broadcaster + photo/TV – Group B*)

19.00 – 21.00 Dinner

Thursday 3 April 2014

VIP entrances: level 02 + Rue de la Loi 175 – main entrance

– photo/TV opportunity)

10.00 – 12.00 Working session – roundtable before the meeting

(host broadcaster + photo/TV – Group C*)

12.00 – 12.30 Closing ceremony

+/- 13.00 Press conference by the President of the European Council, the

President of the European Commission, the Chairperson of the African Union

and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission

(Press room – press centre, level 00)

Possible delegations press briefings will be announced in the press centre

* Pool cards are attributed via national delegations.


The Belgian federal police will establish a security cordon around the Justus Lipsius building (see www.polbru.be) and will deny access to anyone without an accreditation badge and identity document.

Access to the Justus Lipsius building will be through a dedicated security point located on the

corner of the JL building next to rond-point Schuman and on presentation of the nominative

accreditation badge and proof of identity. All participants will undergo a security check.

Please note that during official arrival and departure times of Heads of delegations, access to the Justus Lipsius may be more difficult or even temporarily closed. Media representatives are

therefore advised to arrive/depart outside of those hours.


For all the information related to audiovisual, read the second media advisory.

• Satellite vehicle parking

Parking spaces for satellite vehicles are foreseen on Place Jean Rey, behind the Justus Lipsius

building (please note that no satellite vehicles will be allowed around Schuman Square).

1. Parking places for satellite TV and radio broadcasting vehicles

a) In order to park, you must send your request for a parking permit to:

presse.standup@consilium.europa.eu by 17.00 on Monday 31 March at the latest and

include the following information: registration number, name of driver, telephone number.

Permits for satellite vans will be issued by the security service, not by the press service,

and any changes to the above information after the deadline could result in difficulties or

delays in gaining access.

b) Please note also that it is preferable that satellite vans park in the zone before the beginning of the Summit.

2. Technical questions

Fibre connections with the matrix room in the Council’s Justus Lipsius building will be available.

• booking of stand-up positions

Connections will be provided for a very limited number of stand-ups outside the Justus Lipsius building, at the entrance on the side of the rue de la Loi, in a dedicated press zone.

Enquiries and reservations should be sent to presse.standup@consilium.europa.eu

Deadline: 12.00 on Tuesday 1 April 2014.

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