2nd permanent secretaries’ leadership retreat on CAADP implementation


What:                         2nd Permanent Secretaries’ Retreat on the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) Implementation

Who:                          African Union Commission (AUC) in partnership with the NEPAD Agency           

When:                        March 10-11, 2016

Where:                       Accra, Ghana (La Palm Beach Hotel)


a) Reflect on thematic and policy factors and issues presenting either opportunities or challenges to delivering on the Malabo commitments;

b) Validate the revised Country CAADP Implementation Guidelines;

c)Solicit country perspectives on (i) the CAADP-Malabo Financing Architecture; (ii) the technical Networks arrangement to mobilise and make accessible expert support arrangements; and (iii) the revised CAADP Partnership architecture.

Background:           Permanent Secretaries (PSs) are the primary custodians of Government Policy and the policy practice as well as being the overall accounting officers in Government Ministries.

The 2014 AU Malabo Declaration on Agriculture’s emphasis on implementation and delivering results and impact implies critical attention to agricultural transformation programmes. Sustained agriculture transformation is unlikely without pro-active leadership and involvement of primarily the Ministry of Agriculture Permanent Secretaries.

It is in this context that CAADP recognises the office of the PS as the authority responsible for coordinating and facilitating implementation of CAADP and ensure delivery on its value addition to national agricultural transformation agenda.

The 1stPS CAADP Retreat identified key implementation aspects crucial to galvanise national action necessary to domesticate and operationalise the Malabo commitments and the CAADP Results Framework. More importantly, the Retreat reaffirmed the authority and leadership role of Permanent Secretaries in championing national actions in pursuit of the Malabo Commitments.

The 2nd PS CAADP Retreat comes at the pinnacle of the renewed launch of CAADP country implementation. The Retreat is therefore key in providing senior country input and endorsement on critical components and milestones in the country CAADP implementation process, renewed on the basis of the Malabo commitments and expected to systematically build on what countries are already doing on CAADP implementation and agriculture transformation.

Journalists are invited to cover the opening session and press conference on Thursday 10, 2016 at La Palm Beach Hotel, Accra, Ghana.

Distributed by APO (African Press Organization) on behalf of African Union Commission (AUC).

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Source: Apo-Opa

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