New Distribution Initiatives for African Cinema

Press release

New Distribution Initiatives for African Cinema

Tarifa, Feb 21, 2011 – The African Film Festival of Tarifa participates at the Pan-African Film & TV Festival of Ouagadougou (Fespaco) in Burkina Faso.

FCAT together with its network partners[1] coordinates a seminar on the “New Distribution Initiatives for African Cinema”, which takes place on February 28 at the Hotel Azalai Indépendance in the country’s capital Ouagadougou.

The seminar will present new ways of distribution of African cinema to African audiences possible thanks to ACP-EU, AECID, Casa África, FCAT and assorted African initiatives such as Dockanema digital cinemas in Mozambique, MobiCINE motorcycle cinemas in Senegal and Mali and the online video-on-demand platform

The seminar correlates with the theme of this year Fespaco – “African Cinema and Markets”.

There has always been a controversy in the panorama of African cinema in terms of new technologies, new habits of the audiences, coexistence between art movies and commercial production, cultural differences between the European and African audiences and the issues of financial funding.

To help transform this discourse into concrete actions FCAT and its network partners want to establish a network of film festivals, institutions and other representatives of the film industry to improve the production and distribution opportunities of African cinema.

As regards Spain, FCAT presents over a hundred African movies every year in both competitive and non-competitive sections, as well as various retrospectives and monographs. Cinenómada shows African art movies all over Spain all through the year, and so fosters a new generation of cinema-goers and generates profit for African directors and producers. The aim of the Casa África is to bring Spain and Africa closer to one another and it is clearly demonstrated by the financial support for FCAT and Cinenómada, and it has evolved into an official partnership with Fespaco as well.

África Produce, an afro-hispanic co-production forum, celebrates its third edition at this year’s FCAT, where it will present, in cooperation with seven partnering festivals in Africa, America and Europe, selected African movie projects with the aim to find Spanish co-production partners for them.

The Spanish Agency for International Development and Cooperation (AECID) is another organisation to have contributed to the Dockanema project, which is financed from the ACP-EU programme for the support of cinema and audiovisual industry in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP Films). In this regard, AECID has financed a feasibility study necessary for the further implementation of a network of digital cinemas in Mozambique to replace disappeared cinemas which used 35 mm projectors.

The FCAT also participates in another two projects supported by ACP Films, which will be presented for the first time at the upcoming Fespaco. First is the brand new project of “motorcycle cinema” MobiCINE, which has been put to trial in Dakar and Bamako. The second project is online video-on-demand platform Both projects are managed from Dakar and Bamako in cooperation with Idmage (France), the hip-hop activist Didier Awadi and the filmmaker Salif Traore with support from Cooperation Agencies of France and Switzerland, foundations Doen, Jan Vrijman and Lettera 27 and the African Film festival of Verona.

The aim of all these projects is to make African cinema more accessible to the African audiences and to contribute to the economic sustainability of the film art.

Program of the seminar:

  • Block 1. New Roles Of The Festivals

10:00h Tarifa Case
African Film Festival of Tarifa, FCAT Guinea Ecuatorial, Cinenómada and África Produce. Presentation will be held by Mane Cisneros, director of FCAT.

10:40h Casa África. An Essential Institutional Member.
The instrument of the public diplomacy bringing closer Africa and Spain. Presentation will be held by Ricardo Martínez, director of the Casa África.

11:00h Questions and Answers

11:15h Coffee Break

  • Block 2. New Exhibition Models

11:30h Europa: From The Main Guidelines To The Concrete Projects.
Presentation will be held by Ms Michelle Dominique Raymond, Assistant Secretary-General of ACP

12:00h Digital Cinemas In Africa
Presentation of the feasibility study of the sustainability of the digital cinemas network in Mozambique by Pedro Pimenta, project coordinator.

12:30h Questions and Answers

12:40h African Cinema On The Internet And In The Field
Presentation of MobiCINE and y AfricaFilms.TV held by Enrico Chiesa, project director.

13:20h Questions And Answers

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